
  • Name:
    Global Pay It Forward Day
  • When Is It:
    2024 04 28
  • Tagged As:
    People & Relationships
  • Hash Tags:

“Our actions are like ships which we may watch set out to sea, and not know when or with what cargo they will return to port.Iris Murdoch, The BellEvery day we find ourselves presented with opportunities to pass forward some good thats been done in our lives. Whether this is paying for the purchase of the people in the car behind us in the drive-thru, dropping a dollar in the collection jar of a homeless person, or just complimenting someone on their choice of wardrobe, it only takes a moment and a consideration of kindness to brighten someones day. Global Pay It Forward Day is a reminder that we should be engaging in this behavior every day, and that one day someone may pay it forward to us when we most desperately need it.


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