
  • Name:
    International Midwives Day
  • When Is It:
    2024 05 05
  • Tagged As:
    Healthcare, Jobs & Professions
  • Hash Tags:

The midwife considers the miracle of childbirth as normal and leaves it alone unless theres trouble. The obstetrician normally sees childbirth as trouble; if he leaves it alone, its a miracle.Sheila StubbsIts clear to anyone who gives it half a thought that women did not always give birth in hospitals, and in fact, they most commonly would give birth in their own homes under the guide of an experienced woman. There were those who specialized in the birthing process and who helped it come to fruition naturally, and those women were called Midwives. International Midwives Day serves to remind us that the female body is perfectly capable of giving birth and carrying a child to term without some of the invasive methods employed by Obstetricians and other practitioners.


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